- experimentation
- експериментування
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
expérimentation — [ ɛksperimɑ̃tasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1834; de expérimenter 1 ♦ Action d expérimenter (2o). L expérimentation d un nouveau produit, d un médicament sur des animaux. ⇒ essai, expérience. Champ d expérimentation. 2 ♦ Sc. Emploi systématique de l expérience… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Experimentation — Ex*per i*men*ta tion, n. The act of experimenting; practice by experiment. J. S. Mill. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
experimentation — index research Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
experimentation — 1670s; see EXPERIMENT (Cf. experiment) + ATION (Cf. ation) … Etymology dictionary
experimentation — [ek sper΄ə mən tā′shən, ek sper΄əmentā′shən; ik sper΄ə mən tā′shən, iksper΄ə men tā′shən; ] often [, ekspir΄ə mən tā′shən, ek spir΄ə men tā′shən; ikspir΄ə mən tā′shən, ik spir΄ə men tā′shən] n. [ML experimentatio] the conducting of experiments … English World dictionary
experimentation — by Bruce Baugh In French, the word expérience means both experience and experiment . To experiment is to try new actions, methods, techniques and combinations, without aim or end (D&G 1983: 371). We experiment when we do not know what the… … The Deleuze dictionary
experimentation — by Bruce Baugh In French, the word expérience means both experience and experiment . To experiment is to try new actions, methods, techniques and combinations, without aim or end (D&G 1983: 371). We experiment when we do not know what the… … The Deleuze dictionary
Experimentation — Méthode expérimentale Pour les articles homonymes, voir Expérience (homonymie). La Science et les Sciences Généralités Connaissance · Théorie · Savoir Classification des scienc … Wikipédia en Français
Expérimentation — Méthode expérimentale Pour les articles homonymes, voir Expérience (homonymie). La Science et les Sciences Généralités Connaissance · Théorie · Savoir Classification des scienc … Wikipédia en Français
experimentation — ex|pe|ri|men|ta|tion [ıkˌsperımenˈteıʃən] n [U] 1.) the process of testing various ideas, methods etc to find out how good or effective they are experimentation with/in ▪ experimentation with computer assisted language learning 2.) the process of … Dictionary of contemporary English
experimentation — ex|per|i|men|ta|tion [ ık,sperımen teıʃn ] noun uncount FORMAL the process of testing various ideas, methods, or activities to see what effect they have: teenage sexual experimentation experimentation in/with: Experimentation with drugs is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English